OK friends, real talk.

OK friends, real talk.

I haven’t been banging the drum for Ugandan Water Project 5K donations real loud this year because … honestly … I’ve been super uncomfortable asking given the current state of things in the world.

With thousands of people dead, hundreds of thousands sick, and millions out of work, it just feels like a pretty crappy time to be asking people for anything. You know?

So far, my family has been fortunate. We’re healthy and doing well at home. I’ve been able to continue working remotely and my employer has done an amazing job protecting headcount.

But that isn’t the case for a lot of you. I want to be sensitive of that fact.

As of this morning, our family’s fundraising goal for the (now virtual) 5K has been met. The event itself is still has about $8,000 left to raise in the next two days.

If you have the means to contribute and would like to make a donation, I’ve provided the link below.

To the rest of you – we appreciate the support you’ve given for this amazing cause in the past. Thank you, and we love you. Stay safe and we look forward to continuing to support the Ugandan Water Project along with you in the years to come.

Ugandan Water Project – Team Bertou Fundraising Page